How To Be Married


3 x 25 min.

A tribute to love and togetherness.



Sidsel and Christian are both 26 years old and live together on a family farm in the Danish countryside. They have known each other for ten years, been together for six, and they are finally getting married. Sidsel, the hopeless romantic who refers to Christian as ‘my prince’, has had a dream of a big wedding ever since she met her husband-to-be. She feels that getting married is necessary to keep the magic in the relationship and to “feel something inside”. Sidsel and Christian have a uniquely straightforward approach to the world- and to love. They both have Down’s syndrome and communicate to those around them – and each other – with complete honesty and no filter – often looking at things from a surprisingly poetic and unusual viewpoint, with a philosophical take on life that we can all learn a lot from.

  • Director

    Emil Langballe

  • Producer

    Helle Faber

  • Produced by

    Made in Copenhagen for TV2

  • Format

    3 x 25 min.

  • Release
